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Run Your Own Race

Comparison is a common human tendency, but it can also be a source of unhappiness and low self-esteem. If you want to overcome comparison and feel more confident and content with yourself, here are some ways you can try:

  • Be aware of your triggers and avoid them. Notice what situations or people make you compare yourself to others, such as social media, magazines, or certain friends. Try to limit your exposure to these triggers or change your perspective on them.

  • Remind yourself that other people’s outsides can’t be compared to your insides. Don’t judge yourself or others based on superficial or selective information. Remember that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, challenges and achievements, joys and sorrows. You don’t know the whole story of anyone’s life, so don’t assume that they are better or worse than you.

  • Focus on your own progress and goals. Instead of measuring yourself against others, measure yourself against your own standards and aspirations. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Learn from your mistakes and failures, and use them as opportunities to grow and improve.

  • Appreciate what you have and express gratitude. Rather than dwelling on what you lack or envy, focus on what you have and value. Be thankful for the things that make your life meaningful and enjoyable, such as your health, family, friends, hobbies, or passions. Expressing gratitude can boost your mood, well-being, and happiness.

  • Cultivate a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop your abilities and potential through effort, learning, and feedback. A growth mindset can help you overcome comparison by making you more open to challenges, feedback, and learning from others. It can also make you more resilient and optimistic in the face of difficulties.

  • Practice self-compassion and kindness. Self-compassion is the ability to treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness when you suffer or fail. Self-compassion can help you overcome comparison by reducing your self-criticism, shame, and insecurity. It can also help you cope with negative emotions and increase your self-esteem and happiness.

  • Seek inspiration and support from others. Instead of seeing others as competitors or threats, see them as sources of inspiration and support. Learn from their successes and failures, admire their qualities and skills, and appreciate their contributions and achievements. Seek out people who encourage you, motivate you, and celebrate you.


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