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International Men’s Health Day

Hello, my name is Dan Quinn and I work as a Principal Consultant at Hugo Lewis Consulting. I have decided to write a series of blogs on men’s health topics to mark International Men’s Day 2023, which is celebrated on November 19 every year. This is a day to recognise and appreciate the positive contributions that men make to the world, their families and communities, as well as to raise awareness of the challenges and issues that men face in their lives.

I have to admit that I was not very familiar with International Men’s Day before I took on this challenge. I did not know that it has been observed since 1999 in over 80 countries, or that it has a different theme each year. The theme for 2023 is “Zero Male Suicide”, which aims to highlight the alarming fact that suicide is the leading cause of death for men under 45 in the UK. This is a topic that is close to my heart, as I have lost a number of friends to suicide and I know how devastating it can be for those left behind.

As a man, I also know how hard it can be to talk about our feelings, our health and our problems. We are often taught to be strong, stoic and self-reliant, and to avoid showing any signs of weakness or vulnerability. We may think that asking for help is a sign of failure, or that we will be judged or ridiculed by others. We may also be unaware of the resources and support that are available to us, or how to access them.

It is my hope in writing these blogs, I can share some of my personal experiences, insights and views on various men’s health topics and issues, such as healthy exercise, Controlling Anger, Comparison, Addiction, Fatherhood, Loneliness and mental health. I hope that by doing so, I can encourage other men to take care of themselves, to seek help when they need it, and to join the positive conversation about men, manhood and masculinity.

I invite you to read my blogs, to comment, to share your own stories and to spread the word about International Men’s Day and its important message. Together, we can make a difference to the wellbeing and lives of our men and boys, and to the society we live in. Within my research I have found some really excellent organisations and some inspiring men who can help you if you are impacted by any of the topics. Please feel free to write to me if you would like further support or to be introduced.

I have included the phrase “You Matter To Me” as I believe its something anyone can say openly and sincerely to a friend, brother, father, son or colleague to let them know they are important and valued. Thank you for your attention and interest.

You are a man. You are loved. You matter to me.


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